
I want a gun.

Yeah, title pretty much says it all. I want a honest-to-goodness, life-taking capable weapon. It was inevitable really. All those weekends spent running around the field, playing soldier and shooting other people with plastic pellets meant that sooner or later, I would crave to fire the real thing. And I think I’m at the point in my life where I have enough maturity to responsibly own a gun (although I’m pretty sure that there’s going to be comments below saying otherwise).

But why do I want one? It’s not as if my life is constantly under danger. My job is actually the cushiest in publishing – I sit around the office almost everyday, playing with the latest gadgets that arrive in our office. Well, it’s a number of things actually – chief of which is that I like firearms. Yes, these things are capable of taking other people’s lives, but you gotta admit – things that go boom in your hands (inb4obvioussexualjoke) tap into the most primal instinct of man. Most importantly, I want a gun because I like the sport of shooting, and it’s my hope that one day I’ll have enough skill to be able to compete with the big boys. That doesn’t mean that I’ve conveniently forgotten that having a gun means that there’s still a possibilty (however infinitesimally small) that I may well have to pull that trigger to protect my life or the llives of my loved ones. That’s something I’ve thought long and hard about, and although I joke a lot when it comes to talking about real guns (MURDER TIEM!) I’m terrified of the implications that firing a gun at another human being brings.

But the desire to have a gun is greater than the fear of it, so that’s how I found myself standing outside of Weapon Systems Corporation at Makati Cinema Squre with cash in my hand and requirements on the other. I paid for the gun, the license and all the necessary paperwork to get the ball rolling which means in three weeks (two if I’m lucky) I’ll be a proud owner of a MetroArms Firestorm Contender 1911, and my journey to training with it begins. This blog will be my official journal when it comes to firearm training.

2 thoughts on “I want a gun.

  1. Congrats on your first real steel! Hmmm…. I wonder when I’d get mine… Then again, I think it won’t really suit me, ‘coz I might freak people out if they find out that I sleep beside a real gun. :p

  2. Pingback: Look out, he’s got a gun! « Just an ordinary nerd with a gun.

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