Defensive Gun Use

Defensive Gun Use

I don’t like talking about the politics of guns anymore than I like talking about religion (or my lack of belief in one). But sometimes people need to be told that not all gun owners are lunatics just waiting and praying for a chance to pop a cap in your ass, as the kids on … Continue reading



One of my friends who I’ve not spoken to in a long while commented on my current obsession with firearms. Well, commented wouldn’t actually be the accurate choice of words – condemned would probably be better. Yes, this person is vehemently anti-gun, and he basically wanted to start an argument with me about the evils … Continue reading

I want a gun.

I want a gun.

Yeah, title pretty much says it all. I want a honest-to-goodness, life-taking capable weapon. It was inevitable really. All those weekends spent running around the field, playing soldier and shooting other people with plastic pellets meant that sooner or later, I would crave to fire the real thing. And I think I’m at the point in … Continue reading